One question most everyone has is who thought about making the Columbus Elementary School mascot a purple cougar? Does the mascot have a name? Also, why the color purple and black? Well, today I might be able to answer those questions because I interviewed Mrs.Fowler (the Principal).
Reporter: “Mrs. Fowler, who decided to make the Columbus Elementary School mascot a purple and black cougar?”
Mrs. Fowler: ”I don’t know who decided to make the school mascot a purple cougar. But what I do know is that before they changed the mascot it was The Columbus Eagles.”
Reporter: “Does the school mascot have a name?”
Mrs. Fowler: “The school mascot does not have a name. But we were thinking about changing the school mascot. But that will be way in the future.”
Reporter: “Why the color purple and black?”
Mrs. Fowler: ”It is purple and black because Duniway Middle School has the same colors and they have some sort of connection.”
In conclusion, some of my questions did not get my expected answer. For example, I thought the cougar had a name. But at least I got some answers.
What type of questions do you have?