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Last week, Willamette Elementary had it’s 2nd annual Bilingual Bee. This year the focus was on sentence interpretation.

Participants in the preliminaries numbered 109. Twenty-four students qualified for the finals where they were  asked to interpret 6-8 sentences by judges Ruth Valdez and Rebekah Castaneda.
Half the sentences were in English and half were in Spanish.

The winners for each grade level were:
Kindergarten – Carlota Sanchez-Diaz
1st grade – Mariel Ceja
2nd grade – Francisco Mateo Arechiga Rodriguez
3rd grade – Eliany Arenas- Martinez
4th grade – Mario Diaz- Uriarte
5th grade – Mariana Garcia- Arevalo
The highest score in the school was attained by Mariana Garcia-Arevalo!